Stop Comparing with Others!! Here is why and how.
Comparing yourself to others is one of the meanest things we could do to ourselves as it is a self destructive habit which we cultivate and nourish to kill us in the not so far future. The immediate consequence is the generation of negative feelings within and most probably outside of us. One of the most obvious of such feelings is jealousy. And it is my believe most of us would identify with that whether we admit it or not.
No matter the situation, there is always a way out and considering this issue of comparing ourselves with others, we would look into some of the ways out of this mean and self destructive habit.
Treat others with kindness: in your thoughts, words and actions, treat others with kindness, fairness and respect. The way we behave, talk and think of others, has an effect on the way we perceive our own selves. When we judge, we also judge ourselves and nothing good comes from being judgemental. When we love others, we love ourselves. It is based on this philosophy which we have the ultimate commandment in the Bible to be Love Your Neighbour as Yourself.
Don’t worship people: we should stop giving people godly statuses because by doing that, we distance ourselves from them and crystallize our low self esteem or even kill the little self esteem we might have.
You would never win: as much as we try to deny that, it is best if we come to realize that we cannot win when it comes to the comparison game. We would always find reason why that person is better than us and we end up being losers and that kills our morals.
Compare yourself to yourself: if you must compare, compare yourself to yourself. Compare the present you to the past you. See how much you have grown and what amendments could be made to make you a better person in what so ever it is. See into your accomplishments and your progress towards your goals and be grateful for them. This in a way boost your morals and gives you a sense of good feeling and you hold no one in low esteem or worship others. You are the master of your self and captain of your soul. You are your own boss. Respect that.
We are all gifted and unique in our various frames. To effect change, the change begins with us. We should be that change we want to see in people and that is by being the better version of ourselves on per second bases. No one should make you feel inferior whether consciously or not. You are the master and no one would climb on your back if you don't bend.
I trust this post would help in making you a better person after reading through. If you did enjoy it, don’t forget to share for sharing is caring. I look forward to your feed back in the comment box.
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