There's No Overnight Success: The Story of the Mango Tree and Grass
It takes 20 years to become an overnight success
The struggle takes place in the farm. The mango tree growing
at a slow and steady pace must compete against the wild grass which grows out
of nowhere.
Both plant species are out there in the wild and must follow
the rule of the jungle; Survival of the fittest. Let the stronger specie win
the race of life.
Years later, the mango tree would be standing strong above
the wild grass. It would spread out and bear fruits. Whereas, the grass dies
season in and season out. With the farmer’s hatred for grass, he can’t help but
smile as they perish.
So what does mango tree and grass have to do with your life and success?
Your answer in 4 words;
“Sustained success takes time.”
The mango tree represents the sustained success. It doesn’t just
appear on the stage of life out of nowhere. In the first years, it spreads all
of its energy establishing a healthy tap root system, digging deep into the
ground. Then year after year, it builds onto that strong foundation.
It grows slowly, but reinforcing its trunk in the process. As
such, it is able to withstand the storms during the heart of the rainy season. As
the rainy seasons come and go, it builds its resilience. Its growth comes from strength
and character, having withstood the harsh winds and storms.
The mango tree prepares for the long future ahead, not just
for one season under the sun.
Just like the mango tree, your success should be built on a
solid foundation. It takes time to rebuild such strength. You need to master
the basics. It would take a lot of time and you would wish you could write the
GCE A Levels in Form 4 so as to get right into the glorious University life
University life just like most things in life comprise of
basic moves in what is apparently a complex situation. If you haven’t mastered
the basics, your advanced moves would be shallow.
When you invest time in mastering your craft, you build
experience and resilience through failures. You learn from them. You learn how
to spot traps and potential problems. You learn how to deal with challenges because
your foundation is rock solid. Because of your rock solid foundation, you don’t
bend at any wind or storm.
You just can’t drag a mango tree out of the soil, especially
when it is has taken years to establish. Even King Kong would need a whole lot
of efforts.
My point; your hustle and success should be rooted by a
strong foundation like that of a mango tree. When someone tries to knock you down,
you can and would stand your ground (with a smile).
Take time to build your foundation. Everything else depends on it.
Did you forget about the grass already?
Yeah, you should. But there’s something about the grass
which we are familiar with. It comes from nothing and grows into an established
plant in no time. That sound like overnight success right? Beneath the growth is
a shallow and weak foundation, one that can be uprooted with so much ease by a
baby creeping around.
Grass comes and goes every season. It flashes brightly for
a moment then rot away, and probably serve as nutrition to the mango tree.
If face with making a choice, which is it going to be for
you? Momentary success of grass which last a season or the legacy of a mango
tree which lasts for generations?
I have faith in your wisdom (no matter how small you think it
might be), you would take time to build a strong foundation like the mango
Come to think of it, the mango tree produces succulent and
tasty fruits. Please remind me; when was the last time someone enjoyed the
fruits of grass as much as mango?