The Best Smart Goals Tips You Will Read This Year

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Be a Goal Digger.
We are in the dawn of a new year and we could use these early days to make the rest of our lives the best of our lives. The best way to predict the future is to create it today. So how would you want 2017 to look like? Would you want to ride you own Car or have the HP Pavilion 15z like me or experience business and financial growth. The best time to ensure that happens are in the next couple of days. 
Make the rest of your life the  best of your life by taking time out to fantasize about the perfect next year. Transform those fantasies to wishes and develop your wishes into concrete goals. The tips mentioned in this post would be very helpful in setting goals which would guarantee success if you are committed in getting them.

Hard goals are SMART goals in that they must be
  • Specific,
  • Measurable,
  • Attainable,
  • Relevant and
  • Time bound.

To be Specific, I want an HP Pavilion 15z next year not just a laptop or a MacBook  or an HP Spectra or Lenovo ThinkPad. It's the HP Pavilion 15z I want, I am specific about that.

Your goals must be Measurable. If you can't quantify your goal, then you are dreaming that you are peeing in the bush (and with such dreams, you have to wake up fast enough before you wet the bed) . Now how's my goal of getting the HP Pavilion 15Z Measurable? To get the HP Pavilion 15z, I would need a certain amount of money to buy it. I don't have that money now meaning I have to work for the money. I would have to save up 600,000FCFA. We measure the goal of acquiring the HP Pavilion 15Z by the amount of money saved.

Concrete goals are attainable, call it achievable if you wish. To save us from the waste of time, we must ensure that we can achieve our goals. Erhmm is achieving the HP Pavilion 15z possible? I am very optimistic so yes it is possible. But how would I get 600k for the laptop when I am not employed and live on averagely 20, 000 frs a month? Here comes strategic planning. I would have to increase my sources of income even if it means working 4 "jobs". I would have to make ends meet in terms of finances or you suggest I rob the bank down the street?

Your goals must be Relevant: now this is cavalry for me as my critics would be wondering how relevant is a laptop of 600,000FCFA  when I can get Dell measured in kilograms for 80,000FCFA. Well, I know you don't want to hear this, but it's me and I wouldn't need your permission to go after my goals and you need no one's permission to go after your own goals. And for what you really want to hear, why I am die-heart about HP laptops; I believe they are one of the best (in terms of quality and efficiency) to have and are quite affordable. And not to go into the somewhat boring details of the specs, the HP Pavilion 15z would increase my productivity especially in aspects of my never ending researching and writing and it is an investment for at least the next 5-6 years, for I would not have to bother about procuring a new laptop which is top notch.

The last characteristic about a concrete goal is; your goal must be time bound. You must realize your goal within a specific time frame. If not you would be chasing the wind and moving at a much more accelerated pace towards your grave and I doubt if you would rest in peace because regrets would hunt you all the days of your eternal life. The time period for me getting my HP Pavilion 15z is 6 months so by June ending I should be writing the next post from the glorious keyboard of the HP Pavilion 15z.

And with that I can go on doing me knowing there's an HP Pavilion 15z waiting for my arrival. Let the journey begin.
What I just told you above, could have been done by every and any student of goal setting but here is what no one would have readily told you. You would need more than just a smart goal. You would need a plan to ensure your goal is achievable. I have a plan on how to get 600k for the HP Pavilion 15z. Without the plan, then I am fucked up for the goal would never be achieved and I have soo much to loss like the next years of depreciated productivity and creativity. So I have to put in place a plan stronger than the goal itself. And the first rule of planning is flexibility and adaptability, change the plan as often as your pant but don't change your goal. There would be circumstances which are beyond your control. There would be nothing for you to do about such circumstances, but there would be everything for you to do about your goal starting with adaptability.

And to successfully accomplish our goals, we need above everything a strong support system. In goal setting and planning, we need consider the moments when we would fall, therefor putting in place various boosts and safe havens. Our support system is there to inspire, motivate and empower us while we grind towards our goal. Your support system may influence you directly or indirectly but what matters is there are there to keep you going. Of your support system, you choose the captain of your support system. Your captain is  the person you exchange goals with, you police each other and directly support each other to achieve your goals.. And the most appropriate name for your captain is an accountability partner. Someone with whom you monitor your progress and suggest ways of improving.
Goals are meant to be scored without which they are not goals. Time for dreaming is over now it's time to take action. Grab a pen and white sheet of papers (there's something magical about white paper) and write down your SMART GOALS. Don't forget to include your plan of execution and your accountability partner. And above all TAKE ACTION.
See you at the top.

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