Hacking the Cameroon medical transport system

Some 4 years back in school, a friend of mine broke his leg during a football game and had to be rushed to hospital and I accompanied him. We took a bike from the field to Tobin roundabout and then a Taxi to St Elizabeth’s General Hospital Shishong. The pains he felt while in transit to the hospital were more than excruciating, for they were worse than the pain you feel when a blade cuts through your flesh and pepper is rubbed on the fresh cut (you could try and confirm it…). The situation could not be addressed at Shishong and we were referred to St Martin’s Hospital Njinikom. The broken leg and the horrible Kumbo roads were the worst combinations ever, for the journey was a torturing ride through hell. That’s a memory neither him nor I would forget. I know we all have a story to tell in relation to our person being sick and in need of transportation and there was none.
The sad and horrific memories of Monique Koumate who is claimed to have died in transit from Tergal Health Centre to Laquatine Hospital has caused a lot of ranting on various media platforms and has sent powerful shock waves around the world. In response to this shock wave, the African Women in Transportation Association (AWTA), Réseau d’Action des Jeunes Volontaires diplômés de l’Enseignement Technique et de la Formation Professionnelle du Cameroun (RAJEV-C) and the Cameroon American Council decided to dedicate the 3rd of a 5 stage Travel Tech Series to Monique Koumate by organizing a Hackathon (call it an Innovative Challenge Workshop). The ICT University Yaoundé would host this event on the 30th of March   2016 under the theme “Hack the future of Cameroon Medical Transportation Sector; Remembering Sister Monique Koumate”.

This initiative is to bring together think tanks from the Transport, Health, Employment and Vocational training, Higher Education and communication sectors to brainstorm beyond limits and provide solutions to the arch problems of the Cameroon Transport sector notably;

  1.    Medical transportation for the disabled.
  2. Computerized ticketing for air and rail travels.
Participants at Howard University for the "Hack the Cameroon medical transport system" Hackathon

Howard University, Washington DC  hosted a similar event on February 27,2016 under the umbrella of the Cameroon American Councils part of the events celebrating the Black History month. And if you are to ask why the Focus is on transport, I would say “the transportation sector is very vital for the sustainable economic development of every country especially the developing countries like Cameroon”.
Did I mention that there was going to be handsome cash rewards for the winning ideas and that participation is free? (It is a free opportunity to give your opinion and get some money in return. Would you want to miss that?)

When Monique and her twins passed, there was so much ranting and cries on what could and should be done. But as days go by, the rape in Buea and the UB girl incident has distracted many from what really matters. Here is the chance for you to join other great minds in re-branding and revitalizing the medical transportation sector in Cameroon.
So rather than talking about it, let us meet for this forum and be about it. So make a date with the African Women in Transportation Association (AWTA), Réseau d’Action des Jeunes Volontaires diplômés de l’Enseignement Technique et de la Formation Professionnelle du Cameroun (RAJEV-C) and the Cameroon American Council on Wednesday March 30, 2016 at ICT University Yaounde.
For inquiries, use any of the following links.

And talking of Technology, Have you heard of ZongoSoft, that Digital TechCom? They have your answers


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