
Showing posts from March, 2016

Hacking the Cameroon medical transport system

Some 4 years back in school, a friend of mine broke his leg during a football game and had to be rushed to hospital and I accompanied him. We took a bike from the field to Tobin roundabout and then a Taxi to St Elizabeth’s General Hospital Shishong. The pains he felt while in transit to the hospital were more than excruciating, for they were worse than the pain you feel when a blade cuts through your flesh and pepper is rubbed on the fresh cut ( you could try and confirm it…). The situation could not be addressed at Shishong and we were referred to St Martin’s Hospital Njinikom. The broken leg and the horrible Kumbo roads were the worst combinations ever, for the journey was a torturing ride through hell. That’s a memory neither him nor I would forget. I know we all have a story to tell in relation to our person being sick and in need of transportation and there was none.   The sad and horrific memories of Monique Koumate who is claimed to have died in transit from T...

11 key benefits why you should consume more mushrooms this season.

The transition between the dry and the rainy seasons is characterized by the up-spring of mushrooms which are a delicacy in most communities. Despite being a popular delicacy in most communities, the health and nutritional benefits are not that popular. Let’s take this time out to meducate ourselves of the health and nutritional benefits of mushrooms. There are various types of mushrooms and unfortunately some are poisonous. So to be on the safe side, I would suggest you go to the market. If you are in Bamenda, Total Nkwen would be a favorite destination. 1.               Ergothioneinine is a naturally occurring antioxidant that protects the body's cells against oxidative stress which may slow down the aging process. Mushrooms are the richest source of erogthioneinine. So in the bid to physically cheat nature of your appearance, increased consumption of mushrooms would be way to stay “forever young”. Looking at Pha...