Lessons Learned from Life: The Essence of "Secrecy"

A couple of years back, I was the type of person who when I had issues would disclose it to almost just anyone who would offer me a listening ear. This character trait has been carried along for quiet sometime and I came to realize that it never helped me in getting my issues resolved.
This frustration of talking to people and having no resolution to my issues taught me some lessons which I would collectively refer to as the ESSENCE OF "SECRECY" which we shall look into subsequently.

# The first thing I realized was, when you share your problems with people, you expose your weaknesses and you give then reason to perceive you as weak, and there is no respect for the weak. You also give them the opportunity to exploit you based on your problems.

# you  appear as a nuisance to your audience. What you might consider a problem, might not be seen as a problem by your audience. So do yourself the favour and shut it. In the midst of issues, deal with it for you have what it takes.

# you receive consolation and sympathy from your audience. But erhmm on the second though, you don't always receive sympathy at times, you actually receive pseudo-sympathy as you are perceived as pathetic and trust me you don't want to be perceived as such.

# The advice you receive might not be the right one for you. Not all advice is good advice. Seeds of negativity may be planted in your mind in the name of advice and this would just go to amplify your issues. This is fact when you talk to the wrong persons.

# You give your audience a topic of discussion  when he host his own audience of you don't know who. No body loves being the centre of gossips, so why volunteer into such a position?

# After entertaining your audience with your issues, you are rewarded with sympathy, consolation and no solutions to your problems. So you are back from where you began and you still stuck with your problems for they are yours and no one else. But at the end of the day, the solution to your problem depends on you.

Yeah it is said a problem  shared is a problem half solved. But it was not said with whom you should share your problem with to get the partial solution. There are times you need some one to hear you out and that is when you restrict the list of those you trust as Les Brown puts it Only Quality People #OQP. And remember to keep the circle tight.

You are not called to agree with me on my lessons, disagree feel free. You do have your own lessons from the school of hard knocks call it life and the rest of the community would love to learn from your experiences. So go ahead and tell us WHAT ARE YOUR LESSONS FROM LIFE (in regards to secrecy)???

Don't forget to share this post for SHARING is CARING!!!!


Unknown said…
Ur right carlson. Not every listening ear is worthy to be told ones issues. Some ears are just out looking for new topics to blow around and make themselves feel above others. I will adhere to keeping that tight circle. Thanks for the heads up and More inspiration to you.
Unknown said…
You are welcome bro
Keep winning no matter those trying to hold back.

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