Fact Check: Do You Really Need It? This Will Easily Help You Decide!
The Internet sphere of Cameroon has experienced a surge of viral content on social media over the past couple of weeks. Most of the viral content serve to stir up emotions or create an alert and with such content, people don’t question what they are told simply because emotions are involved. It is really simple; because it feels true that makes it true. The question on the minds and lips of everyone is; “ How do I know what is true online?” Social Media is a very fertile ground for conspiracies, propaganda and hoaxes. So much information is being circulated and made available on social networks and this nurtures the phenomena known as confirmation bias which is the urge to believe only things that only confirm what you already believe to be true, among users of these networks. We human beings have a very strong inclination to believe what favors us, even if it is clearly unrealistic. We just may ask: “Why spoil a good story?” In the social media era with conspiracies...