10 Harmful health effects of excessive consumption of soft drinks.

There is definitely no place where soft drinks (or sweets as they are commonly referred to in this my part of the country) of all brands, flavors and colors don’t have a good representation. They are just as popular as their alcoholic counterparts. Their sweetness should be thanked for their popularity. How I wish their health hazards were as popular as their sweetness. But I would make my wish come true by making their hazards be as popular as their sweetness. Excessive consumption of soft drinks is a leading risk factor for obesity and non-communicable diseases such as diabetes and heart diseases. As Dr. Susan Enjema A. would say, let me meducate you on 10 of the risks of over consumption of soft drinks; 1) Tooth Decay: all sweet drinks contain acid (… yes acid) making these sweet drinks acidic in nature. The acids in the drinks slowly eats away the enamel (material the tooth is made of). The sugar content is high enough to create a comfortable environment for settle a...